Sunday, 19 January 2014

Kanye West becomes God of new Religion called YEZZIANITY

Holy sh*t! We know at least one person who won't like this news one bit and that would be Jay-Z. Well, he'll have to take it or lump it and be careful not to mention his friendly rival's name any more as a new internet-based religion formed by idle and apparently crazy fanatics of Kim Kardashian's baby father forbids it having ordained the Jesus Walks rapper Kanye West as the god of YEZZIANITY - a new religion which like Islam has Five Pillars!

This is how the Star newspaper is reporting the bizarre story of the eccentric rapper's deification... (Click Continue)

After Kim Kardashian's fiancee released a song last year called I Am A God, it would appear that a few of the rapper's dedicated fans took his words literally! The new religion named Yeezianity has surfaced online, which hails the Jesus Walks star as the messiah. Fear not, you haven't gone mad!

You read that correctly, there are human beings who actually think Kanye West is god – and we don't just mean Kim Kardashian!
The website states that followers of Yeezianity are able to hide their identities.

"We are an anonymous group who believes that the one who calls himself Yeezus is a divine being who has been sent by God to usher in a New Age of humanity.
The website reveals: "Our membership is entirely anonymous. We insist that all of our members do not disclose their beliefs to anyone except those they know also to be members.

"There is no differentiating trait, clothing or behaviour that we use to identify ourselves.

"We could be anyone you know, from your mailman to the mayor of your city."

At the bottom of each online page, the creators of the website have left the helpful message "The best church of all time!!!", just in case there was any doubt in your mind.

Under the rather charming 'Our Savious' section of the website, the Yeezianity admin has listed a few helpful facts about Kanye – oops! We mean the messiah.
"His real name is never to be spoken.

"He is known to us only as Yeezus.

"He has shown the modern world the creative potential of a human being and he serves as a model for behaviour and ethic.

Hopefully, the website will be exposed as an elaborate hoax or an ironic advertising campaign. But if not, keep your fingers crossed for humanity.

*The Spy ALWAYS finds out and ALWAYS tells it like it is. Follow @africncelebspy on twitter and like me on facebook or else....

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