Big Brother Africa celebrity Karen Igho has been moaning lately in the media that men are scared of approaching her. In some reports that I've read, she actually goes to all the trouble of reminding eligible bachelors and non-bachelors alike that she's all woman and that she desires to be loved. Honestly until she mentioned her frustration I thought she was either a man or a wild cat. So I decided to take a very goooood look at what she's working with (See pics, sorry not enough space to show all her different looks) only to end up asking: Is she serious? Ok, she's definitely not a man but I'm so scared that I'm even shaking as I write about her now. Even in all her naked "glory" there seems to be so much going on on that face, that body of hers and one shudders to imagine the things on her sordid mind... its always a challenge knowing whether she's smiling, grimacing or crying. I rest my case, but never mind the devious me girl, beauty they say is in the eyes of the beholder so I guess you'll find a suitor soon, your perfect match. But you can count me out, I'm not that brave or desperate. Lol.
Yak! |
The Spy ALWAYS finds out and ALWAYS tells it like it is. Follow @africancelebspy on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
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