This is to say the least a devastating double whammy blow on the image of Nigeria that not only tarnishes the glory earned in the groundbreaking success of Agbani Darego but most importantly it hammers in the final nail on the coffin of the saga surrounding the fraudulent crowning by the Bruce dynasty of a girl of questionable character. If appropriate action had been taken to verify claims by a whistle blower that Ayuk had "doctored" her age in order to be eligible and also taken the time to confirm her availability and commitment then I'm sure Nigerians would not now be washing their dirty linens and hanging them to dry all the way in Mongolia. This self-destruct Nigerian penchant for shooting the messenger must stop - they must learn to investigate allegations no matter who it's about or who makes them rather than ignore or vilify them. That's how the cancers of corruption and nepotism can be eradicated in time.
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