Tuesday 12 March 2013


Wow! You really need to hear this... Internet hackers have reportedly obtained Jay-Z's and wife Beyonce's Social Security details and used them to crack into the financial holy of holies of their empire. According to the website MTO, the couple's credit reports have been published online by the hackers and some of the content are as follows:
Jay-Z's credit report:
He owes about $800K on a $5.6M on his mortgage on his Tribeca penthouse apartment
He owes about $235K on his American Express card.
He has an old $800 telephone bill in COLLECTIONS.

Beyonce's Credit Report:
She has an HSBC credit card with a $30K limit
She's paid up on ALL her bills and paid off all her mortgages.

Other celebs and top shots whose details were also hacked include Hilary Clinton and Kim Kardashian.

*The Spy ALWAYS finds out and ALWAYS tells it like it is. Follow @africncelebspy on twitter and like me on facebook or else....

1 comment:

  1. would like to know the website to see for myself


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