Saturday 21 April 2012

Exposed by a jilted lover

A guy whose romance ended with this young girl posted this intimate picture of her on the internet recently. When we first saw it a few days ago we didn't consider talking about it as it is unrelated to our niche of coverage but this morning we spotted it again on another site and noticed something crucial we missed before...
to rub insult to injury, the scum bag who did this wrote in very small letters under the photograph the following words - "I'm a lawyer so don't threaten me". Just how dumb a lawyer he is! Don't lawyers fall foul of the law? Are there no lawyers in jail? Do you have to be a lawyer to have common sense and basic human decency? We can go on forever...
Its easy to blame the girl but the SPY says its men like these that need their heads checked because when the going's good you can't help doing certain things for love. Say your piece folks...

PS - ADULTS who want to see the UNCENSORED copy may click the thumbnail on the right panel titled "Indecent Exposure."

1 comment:

  1. Emmanuel Eze, Lagos23 April 2012 at 13:38

    You're right. Some people are just stupid.


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